TABLE 1. Obstetrical complications in adult schizophrenics and sibling controls
Study Samples Recall/records Findingsa
Pollack et al. (57) 33 patients

33 sibs

recall n.s. differences

Woerner et al. (73) 52 patients

54 sibs

both {ewc MVIMG, MVIMAGE,!uparrow.bmp} OCs in schizophrenia and

other abnormal sibs

McCreadie et al. (47) 54 patients

114 sibs

recall no differences

DeLisi et al. (23) 123 Patients

148 sibs

recall {ewc MVIMG, MVIMAGE,!uparrow.bmp} OCs

Eagles et al. (25) 27 Patients

27 sibs

records {ewc MVIMG, MVIMAGE,!uparrow.bmp} OCs

an.s., not significant; OCs, obstetrical complications; {ewc MVIMG, MVIMAGE,!uparrow.bmp}, increase.

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published 2000